Update to Clinically Relevant CORE App

Clinically Relevant CORE Clinical ORthopedic Exam UpdateWhat’s on your clinical Xmas list this year?  Well into it’s fourth year, the CORE (Clinical ORthopaedic Exam) app continues to provide a powerful point-of-care reference for clinicians diagnosing musculoskeletal disorders.  During this time period it has continually evolved into seemingly more useful tool.  The latest update of CORE from Clinically Relevant Technologies has really been it’s most significant to date.  The entire User Interface was recreated to provide an entirely new experience for the clinician.  Many new features make the information easier to find and use.  Additionally, the recent update allowed for automatic updates from a database repository where the information is kept up to date.  What does this mean for you?  Every time you open up the CORE app on your iPhone or iPad, and are connected to the internet, the app will check for the latest version of the database and update any new information that has been added.  With this, you’ll always have the latest updates to the database readily available.

A significant number of universities and clinical residency programs are now incorporating Clinically Relevant apps into their curriculum, as both required and recommended “texts”. A testament to the value of these interactive point-of-care reference tools.

Note:  Updates being worked right now for the Android platform, as well as the launch of the Clinically Relevant apps for Windows Phone.