Over the last year Physiopedia has experienced an exponential growth rate. We have seen more visitors making use of the free access to our content, more educators and profesional organisations getting involved to contribute content and more community members really seeing the value in our mission and supporting us with their sponsorship. This month we would like to welcome four new sponsors to the party:
Gold Sponsor
ClinicServer: Cloud based clinic management software which aims to help clinics operate more efficiently. Did you know that members of the CSP can get a free access to the community edition which allows you to do all your bookings and correspondence online?
Silver Sponsors
Neurotech: Provides a range of neuromuscular devices for pain management and rehabilitation including Kneehab which Rachael Lowe, Physiopedia Founding Director, is currently using to good effect on her recently ACL deficient knee!
MedBridge Education: Provides physiotherapy specific online courses using their unique course development and publishing system. Watch this space for exciting news about the new Physiopedia/MedBridge partnership….
Bronze Sponsor
Elaine Lonnemann: Associate Professor in the Physical Therapy program at Bellarmine University in Louisville Kentucky. Elaine is one of our educational project leads (thinking of starting a project in Physiopedia, speak to Elaine!), an advisory board member and a great advocate for Physiopedia.
As businesses grow so does the administration that comes with them. This is the same for Physiopedia, a non-profit organisation for the physiotherapy and physical therapy community. Without these highly valued sponsors Physiopedia would not be able to exist so please join me in saying a great big THANK YOU for the support of our new sponsors.
Interested to see our other sponsors? Have a look here on our Sponsors page and thank them by following them using our Twitter list.
Interested in being a Physiopedia sponsor? Our 40,00 readers per month are physiotherapists and physical therapists, and other health care workers from over 204 countries. To find out more about our sponsor packages, visit our sponsor page or email Rachael directly to open up the conversation.