WCPT is launching a new online resource for physical therapists from its congress, World Physical Therapy 2011. For the first time, WCPT is offering recordings of some of the most popular focused symposia and discussion panels via the WCPT website. The new materials include video and audio recordings with accompanying PowerPoint presentations. As well as providing an opportunity for those who couldn’t attend the sessions to share in the information and opinion provided, the material is also designed to be of use as a valuable teaching and learning resource. As part of WCPT’s commitment to facilitate information exchange across the profession, they are offered free of charge.
In all, there are 12 recordings available, four providing a complete video recording of selected congress discussion panels on the subjects of:
- re-building in conflict and disaster zones
- promoting health and preventing disability
- physical therapists influencing health policy and service provision
- health human resources
There are also eight audio recordings of congress focused symposia with accompanying PowerPoint presentations. Subjects covered include teaching about pain, global physical activity transitions, trends in cardiac rehabilitation, leadership in HIV, evidence based practice, moral action, spinal manipulation and stroke rehabilitation. The new resources add to the existing abstracts, posters and PowerPoint slides of congress presentations already available on the congress section of the WCPT website.