Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Osteoarthritis in Adults Who Are Obese or Overweight

The objective of this review was to construct an updated evidence-based clinical practice guideline on the use of physical activity and diet for the management of osteoarthritis (OA) in adults (>18 years of age) who are obese or overweight (body mass index ≥25 kg/m2). An a priori literature search was conducted for articles related to obesity and OA of the lower extremities that were published from January 1, 1966, to November 30, 2010. Inclusion criteria and the methods to grade the recommendations were created by the Ottawa Panel. Recommendations were graded based on the strength of evidence (A, B, C, C+, D, D+, or D–) as well as experimental design (I for randomized controlled trials and II for nonrandomized studies). In agreement with previous Ottawa Panel methods, Cochrane Collaboration methods were utilized for statistical analysis. Clinical significance was established by an improvement of ≥15% in the experimental group compared with the control group. There were a total of 79 recommendations from 9 articles. From these recommendations, there were 36 positive recommendations: 21 grade A and 15 grade C+. There were no grade B recommendations, and all recommendations were of clinical benefit.

This review suggests that physical activity and diet programs are beneficial, specifically for pain relief (9 grade A recommendations) and improved functional status (6 grade A and 7 grade C+ recommendations), for adults with OA who are obese or overweight. The Ottawa Panel was able to demonstrate that when comparing physical activity alone, diet alone, physical activity combined with diet, and control groups, the intervention including physical activity and diet produced the most beneficial results.

Brosseau, L., Wells, G. A., Tugwell, P., Egan, M., Dubouloz, C.-J., Casimiro, L., Bugnariu, N., Welch, V. A., De Angelis, G., Francoeur, L., Milne, S., Loew, L., McEwan, J., Messier, S. P., Doucet, E., Kenny, G. P., Prud’homme, D., Lineker, S., Bell, M., Poitras, S., Li, J. X., Finestone, H. M., Laferriere, L., Haines-Wangda, A., Russell-Doreleyers, M., Lambert, K., Marshall, A. D., Cartizzone, M., Teav, A. Ottawa Panel Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Osteoarthritis in Adults Who Are Obese or Overweight. Physical Therapy, 14 April 2011