This month’s World Focus is a campaign to contribute to Healthcare Information and Education For All. Inspired by both the HIFA2015 campaign and the Global Campaign for Education, this Physiopedia campaign seeks to contribute to the HIFA2015 goal, that by 2015 every person worldwide will have access to an informed healthcare provider, and also the Global Campaign for Education goal to give every girl, boy, woman and man the right to a free quality public education..
People are dying for lack of knowledge. Tens of thousands of people die every day, often for the simple reason that the parent, carer or health worker lacks the information and knowledge they need to save them. Education beats poverty – and gives people the tools to help themselves. We have the information and knowledge to make a difference.
If all physiotherapists and physical therapists in the world created just one article in Physiopedia….. that collaborative effort would create the greatest source of physiotherapy information in the world. As an open resource this information would then be available for any rehabilitation professional throughout the world to access and learn from. Just imagine the contibutions that this could make to patient care in places where there is otherwise limitied access to health care resourses.
Help us in this campaign to contribute to healthcare information and education for all by creating just one evidence based article in Physiopedia…… together we can make a difference!!
Inspiration for the campaign
The inspiration for this month’s World Focus has come from a wish to highlight both the HIFA2015 campaign and the Global Campaign for Education, and to do what we can to help.
HIFA2015, which stands for ‘Healthcare Information For All by 2015’, is a campaign with the global goal that by 2015 every person worldwide will have access to an informed healthcare provider. HIFA2015 is a campaign and knowledge network with more than 3000 members representing 1800 organisations in 150 countries worldwide. Members include health workers, publishers, librarians, information technologists, researchers, social scientists, journalists, policy-makers and others – all working together towards the HIFA2015 goal – a vital contribution to saving lives and achieving the Millennium Development Goals .
April is the most important campaigning month in the Global Campaign for Education‘s calendar. Global Action Week 2010 takes place from 19-25 April and the campaign this year will be a precursor to the larger 1GOAL: Education for All campaign. The 1GOAL campaign, aims to make Education for All the lasting legacy of this year’s World Cup. In partnership with the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), 1GOAL urges Governments to give more aid to education and stand by the education pledges made at the UN Summit in 2000.
How you can help
Help us to contribute to Health Information and Education for All by creating an article in Physiopedia….