This course is designed to introduce the muscle energy system in evaluation and treatment of the lumbar spine, pelvis, and sacrum. Content includes palpation skills, anatomy, and surface anatomy review, along with biomechanics of the lumbar, pelvis and sacral areas. Treatment of these areas, using muscle energy techniques and relevant soft tissue techniques will be included. By the end of this course the physiotherapist will be able to confidently assess pelvic, sacral, and lumbar dysfunctions using this method of evaluation and treatment. This course emphasises a hands-on clinical approach as well as self mobilisation and home exercise programs. Presented By Darren Higgins MCSP
Tutor: Darren Higgins MCSP
Date: 04/09/2010-05/09/2010
Duration: 2 Days (16 hr)
Cost: APPI Member £207, Non-APPI Member £230
Venue: APPI, Kilburn, North West London
Location: London, UK
Contact Name: APPI
Contact Phone: 0207 372 3606
Contact Email: [email protected]
Web Link to Course: