Aims: 1. To review anatomy and biomechanics of the lumbar spine to enable appropriate use of manual techniques. 2. To enable participants to use advanced handling skills in the examination of lumbar spine dysfunction. 3. To discuss the evidence base for the use of manual techniques in the management of low back pain. 4. To demonstrate how manual techniques can be refined to improve efficacy. 5. To allow participants to practice a wide range of manual techniques under close supervision and to discuss the evidence base for each technique. 6. To assist in problem solving so that the participant can select the appropriate manual treatment for each individual patient.
Tutor: Alison Middleditch MCSP MMACP
Date: 24th April 2010
Duration: One day
Cost: £117.50
Venue: Blandford Community Hospital
Location: Blandford Dorset
Contact Name: Sue Dukelow
Contact Phone: 01375893820
Contact Email: [email protected]
Web Link to Course: