This is an AACP approved 6 day foundation acupuncture course in two 3 day blocks with a period in between Part 1 and 2 for clinical practice and self directed learning. The course covers acupuncture anatomy including meridian pathways and point location in detail. Clinical protocols are given and a problem solving approach to point prescription is used. At the end of the course participants will be confident at using acupuncture alongside standard physiotherapy techniques within an outpatient setting. The course is assessed a number of methods including case presentations and practical needling demonstrations. The course is a mixture of practical and lectures and the maximum number of participants are 14.
Tutor: Chris NOrris ( AACP Approved Tutor)
Date: 16th-18th April & 11th-13th June 2010
Duration: 6 days
Cost: £696
Venue: The Whittington Hospital
Location: London
Contact Name: Christine Bailey
Contact Phone: 0845 652 0845
Contact Email: [email protected]
Web Link to Course: