The Cardiff Interactive Shoulder Movement Alliance (CISMA) will soon be launching the first stage of the CISMA process where we will be asking for the opinions of clinicians regarding the terminology they use to quantify scapulothoracic position and movement in patients with shoulder pain. Their opinions will be combined with those of other expert shoulder clinicians (Physiotherapist, Surgeon and Doctor) to work towards a consensus approach on terminology.
Later this year the second stage of the CISMA process will be launched where clinicians will be invited to give their opinions regarding the application of the standardised terminology to clinical videos of scapulothoracic movement patterns. Once again their opinions will be combined with those of other expert shoulder clinicians to work towards a consensus approach on the visual representation of the terminology.
The ethos underpinning the CISMA initiative is that the active participation of the shoulder clinical community will ensure that the resulting measurement approach both reflects and responds to clinical need. Therefore they are keen to alert shoulder colleagues (Physiotherapist, Surgeon and Doctor) to the CISMA initiative and encourage them to sign up to the CISMA project so that they can play their part in shaping the measurement tool.
To sign up go to