This 2009 Evidence Update on Stroke Rehabilitation, the result of collaboration between NHS Evidence – stroke, the Society for Research in Rehabilitation and the NHS Stroke Improvement Programme, published online to coincide with the UK Stroke Forum in Glasgow.
Evidence Updates provide an overview of new information in a given topic area. Usually this covers a twelve month period, but in some circumstances where evidence is rapidly changing, Updates may be conducted more frequently. In particular, Evidence Updates highlight any new evidence that might challenge current practice, as described in the most recent, accredited national guidance, and provide a commentary on the likely impact. The Updates also provide a list of relevant national policy, guidelines and systematic reviews, and other significant primary research in the area of interest.
The process of developing Evidence Updates also contributes to the UK DUETs (Database of Uncertainties about the Effects of treatments) by assessing relevant new guideline publications and systematic reviews in their area of interest to identify potential research recommendations/uncertainties.
This Update builds on the work that was published last year in the 2008 Annual Evidence Update on Stroke rehabilitation.
View the 2009 Annual Evidence Update on Stroke Rehabilitation here