Within our first year we have already run three very successful student projects within Physiopedia amongst the international physiotherapy and physical therapy community. EIM Residents completed an assignment to each make two pages in Physiopedia as part of the capstone course in their residency training; Eric Robertson’s DPT students at the Medical college of Georgia completed a new set of pages as part of their spinal course; and Aileen Barrett’s students at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland created new pages for Apley’s Test and Auscultation as part of an elective module in their foundation year.
We are now looking for new partnering institutions and their physiotherapy/physical therapy students to join us in other exciting projects within Physiopedia. We have lots of ideas and are here to provide full support in planning and undertaking the projects. We are also very keen to complete some educational research in relation to these innovative projects and would like to see the results published and disseminated internationally. These are some of the ideas for projects that we have :
Creating a structure for the various clinical areas within Physiopedia.
Those involved would choose a clinical area and create a workable structure for the contents of this section to be built within Physiopedia. Clinical areas to choose from include: Neurology, Paediatrics, Sports Medicine, Rheumatology, Elderly Care, Endocrine/Metabolic, Pain Science, Womens Helath, Oncology, Health Promotion. This project would be suitable for a group of undergraduate students who could either work collaboratively on one topic together or work as individuals/pairs on a specific clinical area covering a number of clinical areas between the group.
A collaborative project between international students.
We would like to run a project within Physiopedia that is a collaborative venture between institutions in different countries. This project would be suitable for matched undergraduate or postgraduate students where the actual task would be created to suit their level of education. The task could be as simple as creating pages, creating structures for clinical areas (as mentioned above), case stidies or research reviews or could be complex and involve peer review situations. We are actively seeking institutions that would be keen to be involved in this project and have some great ideas for this project so will assist in all the planning, collaboration and support.
Educational research within Physiopedia.
We are currently looking for institutions to become involved in educational research within Physiopedia. We aim to academically assess student experiences of completing projects within Physiopedia and then publish and disseminate the results internationally. We have plenty of ideas for projects but need institutions to provide us with their students and support to complete these projects!
If you would like to get involved with any of the above projects or have another idea of your own don’t hesitate to get in touch with me directly to Rachael Lowe by email.