Ann-Charlotte Grahn Kronhed; Inger Hallberg; Lars Oumldkvist; Margareta Moumlller
The aim of the study was to see if supervised training would improve health-related quality of life (HRQL), reduce pain and falls in osteoporotic women. Women with established osteoporosis were invited to a 1-year, follow-up study. Seventy-three women aged 60-81 years met the inclusion criteria and were randomized to an exercise (E) or control (C) group. A 4-month, supervised group training programme was designed. Participants were studied using HRQL questionnaires, clinical tests and dynamic posturography. The E-group improved in six SF-36 domains and mental component summary (MCsum) index and also in worst pain intensity after the supervised exercise training. Differences were found between the groups when comparing changes in four SF-36 domains, MCsum and worst pain. Physical activity level decreased in the E-group after the supervised period. Mean time to first fall occurred earlier in the C-group than in the E-group for the first 4 months but the trend did not last for the 1-year follow-up.
The study suggests that supervised group training is beneficial for women with established osteoporosis.
Advances in Physiotherapy, 2009, 11(3), 154 – 165