Jafarian FS, Demneh ES, Tyson SF.
The ojective of this study was to determine the immediate effect of 3 common types of orthoses (2 elbow counterforce orthoses and a wrist splint) on grip strength in individuals with lateral epicondylosis. Fifty-two subjects with lateral epicondylosis were recruited, maximum and pain-free grip strength were assessed using a digital hand grip dynamometer immediately after the application of each orthosis. The 4 testing conditions included a placebo orthosis as a control condition, an elbow strap orthosis, an elbow sleeve orthosis, and a wrist splint.
The use of the 2 types of elbow orthoses (strap and sleeve) resulted in an immediate increase in pain-free grip strength. No differences between the 2 orthoses were found, suggesting that either can be used. A wrist splint produced no immediate change in pain-free or maximum grip-strength, indicating that it should not be used as a first-choice orthosis based on those outcome measures.
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2009 Jun;39(6):484-9.