Kirk, Erik P; Donnelly, Joseph E; Smith, Bryan K; Honas, Jeff; Lecheminant, James D; Bailey, Bruce W; Jacobsen, Dennis J; Washburn, Richard A
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of 6 months of supervised minimal resistance training (RT) in previously sedentary, overweight young adults on 24-h EE, resting metabolic rate (RMR), sleep metabolic rate (SMR), and substrate oxidation using whole-room indirect calorimetry 72 h after the last RT session. Participants were randomized to RT or control groups and completed all assessments at baseline and at 6 months. There was a significant increase in 24-h EE in both groups however, the difference between groups was not significant. Twenty-four hours of fat oxidation was not altered after RT however, reductions in RT assessed during both rest and sleep suggested increased fat oxidation in RT compared with C during these periods. SMR and RMR increased significantly in RT but not in C, resulting in significant between-group differences for SMR with a trend for significant between-group differences for RMR.
A minimal RT program that required little time to complete (11min per session) resulted in a chronic increase in energy expenditure. This adaptation in energy expenditure may have a favorable impact on energy balance and fat oxidation sufficient to assist with the prevention of obesity in sedentary, overweight young adults, a group at high risk for developing obesity.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2009, 41(5),1122-1129.