Skeletal muscle weakness, exercise tolerance and physical activity in adults with Cystic Fibrosis.

Troosters T, Langer D, Vrijsen B, Segers J, Wouters K, Janssens W, Gosselink R, Decramer M, Dupont L.

The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of muscle weakness and the importance of physical inactivity in CF and its relation to exercise tolerance and muscle strength. In a study group of 64 adult patients with CF and 20 age-matched controls exercise tolerance, skeletal and respiratory muscle strength were assessed. Quadriceps muscle weakness was present in 56% of the patients. Peak oxygen consumption and six minute walking distance was below normal in 89% and 75% of patients, respectively. Respiratory muscle strength was normal.

The authors conclude that skeletal muscle weakness and exercise intolerance are prevalent in CF. Although physical inactivity is a significant factor contributing to exercise tolerance and skeletal muscle force in adults with Cystic Fibrosis, the impairments in muscle strength and six minute walk distance are in excess to that expected from physical inactivity only.

European Respiratory Journal 2009; 33:99-106

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