Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a common clinical presentation. Various neuromuscular factors have been reported to contribute to its aetiology. This systematic review examined that: (1) the effects of hip strengthening in subjects with PFPS; (2) the effects of physiotherapy treatment aimed at restoring muscle balance between the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) in subjects with PFPS; (3) the effect of taping on electromyogram (EMG) muscle amplitude in subjects with PFPS; and (4) compared the effects of open versus closed kinetic chain exercises in the treatment of subjects with PFPS.
Physiotherapy treatment programmes appear to be an efficacious method of improving quadriceps muscle imbalances. Further studies are required to determine the true efficacy of therapeutic patellar taping. Both open and closed kinetic chain exercises are appropriate forms of treatment for subjects with PFPS.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008, 42, 489-495