D.G. Lee, L.J. Lee, L. McLaughlin
This article explores the function of the abdominal canister immediately and over time following pregnancy in relation to lumbopelvic pain, incontinence and breathing disorders. Biomechanical aspects of the myofascial piece of the clinical puzzle as it pertains to the abdominal canister during pregnancy and delivery is the focus of the first two parts of this paper. A possible physiological explanation for fascial changes secondary to altered breathing behaviour during pregnancy is presented in the third part. A case study is presented at the end of the paper to illustrate the clinical reasoning necessary to discern whether conservative treatment or surgery is necessary for restoration of function of the abdominal canister in a woman with postpartum diastasis rectus abdominis.
Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2008, 12(4), 333-348