Tiggelen, Damien Van; Coorevits, Pascal; Witvrouw, Erik
The aim of this study was to study whether neoprene knee sleeves have different effects on the joint position sense in locally fatigued subjects with good or poor proprioceptive acuity. 64 subjects underwent four consecutive assessments of the same active joint-repositioning test under different conditions (braced, nonbraced, fatigued, and nonfatigued). A three-way analysis of variance with repeated-measures design was conducted to investigate the effects of side (braced versus control side), assessment sequence (one to four), and proprioceptive acuity ("good" versus "poor"), and their interactive effect on the joint position sense. Post hoc analysis revealed that only subjects with "poor" proprioceptive acuity benefit from the braced condition before the isokinetic fatigue protocol. In contrast, all subjects benefit from the braced condition after the fatigue test.
Bracing is helpful in individuals with a poor baseline proprioceptive acuity in both fatigued and nonfatigued states. Subjects with a good joint position sense benefit from bracing only when in a fatigued state. The present findings suggest a rationale for using neoprene knee sleeves as a preventative measure or treatment in subjects and patients to enhance proprioceptive acuity in a fatigued state.
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 2008, 18(3), 259-265