Zimmermann-Schlatter A, Schuster C, Puhan MA, Siekierka E, Steurer J
This systematic review evaluated how Motor Imagery and conventional therapy (physiotherapy or occupational therapy) compare to conventional therapy only in their effects on clinically relevant outcomes during rehabilitation of persons with stroke. Four randomized controlled trials were identified, the quality of the included studies was poor to moderate. Two studies found significant effects of Motor Imagery in the Fugl-Meyer Stroke Assessment. One study did not find a significant effect in the Fugl-Meyer Stroke Assessment and Color trail Test but did in the task-related outcomes.
Current evidence suggests that Motor imagery provides additional benefits to conventional physiotherapy or occupational therapy. However, larger and methodologically sounder studies should be conducted to assess the benefits of Motor imagery.
Journal of Neuroengineering Rehabilitation, 2008, 5(1), 8