Page S, Levine P, Leonard A, Szaflarski J, Kissela B
Aim: compare the efficacy of a modified constraint induced therapy (mCIT) protocol, with that of an exercise programme and no therapy.
The mCIT intervention consisted of half hour therapy sessions on 3 days a week combined with restricted use of unaffected arm for 5 hours per day over 5 days. The length of the entire mCIT and exercise interventions was 10 weeks. Outcome measures included the Action Reach Arm Test (ARAT), Fugl Meyer Assessment (FMA) and Motor Activity Log (MAL).
Significant improvements with mCIT were noted with the ARAT and MAL. Results suggest this less intensive version of CIT is as effective as the more intense protocols.
Physical Therapy, 2008, 88 (3), 333-340