Long-Term Functional Outcome After Lateral Patellar Retinacular Release in Adolescents: An Observational Cohort Study With Minimum 5-Year Follow-Up.

Gerbino, P.G, Zurakowski, D, Soto, R, Griffin, E, Reig, T.S., Micheli, L.J

A recommended treatment for patellar subluxation, tight lateral patellar retinaculum, patellar tilt, patellar dislocation and patellafemoral pain is a lateral patelllar retinacular release, this study looked at long term outcomes following this operation as the authors identified a lack of evidence in this field. The hypothesis was that adolescents did well in a long term frame following the operation. Evaluation was done by Lysholm and Cincinnati scales, levels of satisfaction and need for re-operation.

The majority of patients are satisfied with their knee 5- 22 years after lateral patellar retinacular release and scored well on questions rating knee health and function.

Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2008 28(1) 118-123

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