Effective targets for constraint-induced movement therapy for patients with upper-extremity impairment after stroke

Koyama T, Sano K, Tanaka S, Hatanaka T, Domen K

This article focused on exploring the effectiveness of using constraint induced movement therapy (CIMT) on different parts of the upper limb, with the aim of treating moderate to slight upper limb impairment following stroke.

19 patients participated in this study. Average time since stroke was 31 months. The Fugl Meyer outcome measure was used to assess shoulder/elbow/forearm, wrist and hand function before and after treatment. Patients received 5 hours of modified CIMT a day over 10 days.

Analysis using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests showed improvements in function when CIMT was used on the hand in 74% of the population but the same improvements were only noted in 47% of the population when CIMT was applied to the shoulder/elbow and forearm. The authors concluded that CIMT was most effective for treating impaired hand function. 

Neurorehabilitation, 2007, 22 (4), 287-293

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