Prosser R, Herbert R, LaStayo PC
AThe purpose of this study was to determine the current practice of the diagnosis and treatment of carpal instability by AHTA members. On average therapists saw 3.8 patients/month with carpal instability. Ulnar pain was reported in 39% of patients, central pain in 17%, radial pain in 13%, and combined in 34%. Forty-seven percent of patients reported difficulties with grip-related activities. Mean grip strength was 67% of the contralateral side. The most commonly used tests used were scaphoid shift, lunotriquetral ballotment, triangular fibrocartilage complex, and midcarpal stress tests. The most used treatments were patient education, splinting the wrist, and isometric exercising of the wrist musculature.
Journal of Hand Therapy, 2007, 20(3), 239-42