Validation of the S-LANSS in the community setting

Weingarten T, Watson J, Hooten W, Wollan P, Melton L, Locketz A, Wong G, Yawn B,

This study aimed to find the validity of the Self-Asministrated Leeds Assesment of Neuropathic Symptoms and Signs (S-LANSS) in a community setting. 205 subjects with chronic pain participated in this study. The assesment was either sent to the subject or the assesment was preformed over the phone. The assesment was also performed in a clinical setting where it was found that 37% of the participents had identified components of neuropathic pain (Assements used included the Lower Limb Function Test (Dyck et al 2002) the Neuropathy Impairment Score, the Neuropathy Symptoms and change test as well as a bedside neurologic examination).

When compaired to clinical assesment the sensitivity of the S-LANSS was found to be 57% and the specificity was found to be 69% in respondants by mail and 52% and 78% by phone. Both these scores were significantly lower than that found in the original validation study performed by Bennett et al 2005(74% sensitive and 76% specific).

The auther considers the impact of population on these results. They offer the explination of differing population groups being the cause of these differing results (the study by Bennett et al 2005 drew its population from patients who attended a pain clinic rather then the general patient population as in the current study). Also the clinical diagnosis of the study by Bennett quanified people as either suffering from neuropathic pain or not where as the current study classified pain as neuropathic if a neuropathic component was detected.

The authors concluded that further research into the population groups suitable for the use of S-LANSS is needed before it is used in population studies or as a diagnostic tool.

Pain, 2007, 132(1-2), 189-194

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