Cattaneo, D, Jonsdottir, J, Zocchi, M, Regola, A
The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effects of balance retraining in a sample of people with multiple sclerosis. A consecutive sample of 44 subjects was randomized into two experimental groups and one control group. The inclusion criteria were: ability to stand independently more than 30 seconds, ability to walk for 6 m. Group 1 received balance rehabilitation to improve motor and sensory strategies. Group 2 received balance rehabilitation to improve motor strategy. Group 3 received treatments not specifically aimed at improving balance. The authors concluded that balance rehabilitation appeared to be a useful tool in reducing the fall rate and improving balance skills in subjects with multiple sclerosis. Exercises in different sensory contexts may have an impact in improving dynamic balance.
Clinical Rehabilitation, 2007, 21 (9), 771-781