Roche G, Ponthieux A, Parot-Shinkel E, Jousset N, Bontoux L, Dubus V, Penneau-Fontbonne D, Roquelaure Y, Legrand E, Colin D, Richard I, Fanello S
The objective of this study was to compare the short-term outcomes of active individual therapy (AIT) with those of a functional restoration program (FRP). One hundred thirty-two adults with chronic low back pain experienced FRP (at 25h/wk) or AIT (at 3h/wk) for 5 weeks. All outcome measures improved after treatment except endurance in AIT. There was no between-group difference for pain intensity or DPQ daily activities or work and leisure activities scores. Better results were observed in FRP for all other outcome measures. There was a significant effect of treatment and the initial value for the gain of the Sorensen score with a treatment or initial value interaction; a significant effect of treatment and initial value on the gains of Ito, endurance, and DPQ social interest and anxiety depression scores, with no treatment or initial value interaction; and a significant effect of initial value but not treatment for the gains of DPQ daily activities and work and leisure activities scores. The authors concludet that low-cost ambulatory AIT is effective. The main advantage of FRP is improved endurance. We speculate that this may be linked to better self-reported work ability and more frequent resumption of sports and leisure activities.
Archives of Physical and Medical Rehabilitation, 2007, 88(10), 1229-1235