Management of Low Back Pain: A Case Series Illustrating the Pragmatic Combination of Treatment- and Mechanism-Based Classification Systems

Pinto D, Cleland J, Palmer J, Eberhart S.

This case series describes the pragmatic use of a treatment-based classification system through the management of 4 patients.  Patients were initially classified into stabilization, manipulation, or specific exercise subgroups after examination.  Each patient was reassessed during the course of the treatments to determine whether treatments would continue according to the initially assigned subgroup or to alter the management and incorporate a mechanism-based classification addressing identified impairments.  All four patients in this study were managed using a dynamic pragmatic treatment-based classification system that allowed for the change of subgroup classification and treatment of impairments and all achieved clinically meaningful improvement in pain and disability. 

The Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, 2007, 15 (2), 111-112.

Link to Abstract.