Prolonged maintenance of capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia by brief daily vibration stimuli

Hee Kee Kim, Jörn Schattschneider, Inhyung Lee, Kyungsoon Chung, Ralf Baron and Jin Mo Chung

This study tests the hypothesis that central sensitization initiated by nociceptive input can be maintained by repeated brief innocuous peripheral inputs. Capsaicin was injected intradermally into the hind paw of adult rats. Three different types of daily cutaneous mechanical stimulations (vibration, soft brush, or pressure) were applied to the capsaicin-injected paw for a period of 2 weeks. Data suggest that vibration-induced prolongation of hyperalgesia is mediated by spinal NMDA-receptors, and a similar mechanism may underlie some forms of chronic pain with no obvious causes, such as complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS-1).

Pain, Volume 129, Issues 1-2, May 2007, Pages 93-101

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