C.-C. Teng, H. Chai, D.-M. Lai and S.-F. Wang
This article investigates the potential role of sensory dysfunction in chronic neck pain. Cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility, expressed by how accurately an individual can reposition the head, was studied in three groups of individuals, a control group of 20 asymptomatic young adults and two groups of middle-aged adults (20 subjects in each group) with or without a history of mild neck pain. An ultrasound-based three-dimensional coordinate measuring system was used to measure the position of the head and to test the accuracy of repositioning. The results indicate that, after controlling for age as a covariate, there was no group effect. Thus, age appears to have a profound effect on an individual's ability to accurately reposition the head toward the neutral position in the sagittal plane and repositioning the head toward left rotation. A history of mild chronic neck pain alone had no significant effect on cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility.
Manual Therapy, Volume 12, Issue 1,