A. Marsano, S.J. Millward-Sadler, D.M. Salter, A. Adesida, T. Hardingham, E. Tognana, E. Kon, C. Chiari-Grisar, S. Nehrer, M. Jakob and I. Martin
The objective of this study was to identify an appropriate cell source for the generation of meniscus substitutes, among those which would be available by arthroscopy of injured knee joints. The authors conclude that under their experimental conditions, only AC generated tissues containing relevant amounts of GAG and with cell phenotypes compatible with those of the inner and outer meniscus regions. Instead, the other investigated cell sources formed tissues resembling only the outer region of meniscus. It remains to be determined whether grafts based on AC will have the ability to reach the complex structural and functional organization typical of meniscus tissue.
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Volume 15, Issue 1,