Diagnostic strategy for suspected scaphoid fractures in the presence of other fractures in the carpal region

F.J.P. Beeres, M. Hogervorst, P. Den Hollander and S.J. Rhemrev

Bone scintigraphy will identify up to 25% of occult scaphoid bone fractures after negative scaphoid X-rays. Consequently, it deserves a place in the diagnostic process of suspected scaphoid fractures. However, the role of bone scintigraphy is less clear if scaphoid X-rays show other fractures in the carpal region. This study analysed 111 consecutive patients with a suspected scaphoid fracture on physical examination and that concluded, bone scintigraphy is required when scaphoid X-rays do not confirm a suspected scaphoid fracture, even in the presence of other fractures in the carpal region.

The Journal of Hand Surgery:  Journal of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Volume 31, Issue 4, August 2006, Pages 416-418

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