The Oxford ankle foot questionnaire for children: SCALING, RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY

The Oxford ankle foot questionnaire was developed to assess the disability associated with foot and ankle problems in children aged from five to 16 years. A survey of 158 children and their parents was carried out to determine the content, scaling, reliability and validity of the instrument. Scores from the questionnaire can be calculated to measure the effect of foot or ankle problems on three domains of children’s lives: physical, school and play, and emotional. Scores for each domain were shown to be internally consistent, stable, and to vary little whether reported by child or parent. Satisfactory face, content and construct validity were demonstrated.

The questionnaire is appropriate for children with a range of conditions and can provide clinically useful information to supplement other assessment methods.

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery – British Volume, 90-B(11), 1451-1456.

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