Physiopedia’s new member area – join and learn!

Its been a lot of work behind the scenes but it is finally here!  Physiopedias’ new member area is all about supporting Physiopedia, receiving exclusive benefits and boosting your professional development.

This new member are is complimentary to the existing open knowledge resource that is Physiopedia.  True to the core of the organisation, the main Physiopedia site will always remain open with free access to all content.  This new members area will contain resources and tools that cannot be offered on the same open basis but in agreement with their providers have now been made available through this new initiative.

At launch the member area will offer an extensive video library of manual therapy techniques and examination tests, quizzes to promote learning as well as other offers from Physiopedia partners.  The members will also have the opportunity to engage with a monthly continuing education and professional development topic that will include free access to related Elsevier journal articles and book chapters, interviews from experts in the topic, directed learning activities, knowledge testing through quizzing and certification of learning.

In considering global accessibility Physiopedia is ever aware of the difficulties faced by professionals in resource poor countries in accessing knowledge resources.  With this in mind, they will be offering significant discounts on membership costs to physical therapists in low and middle income countries.

We hope that this arrangement will allow us to provide low cost access to resources that some of us otherwise would not have access to.  We are hoping that, with time, we will expand the portfolio of learning opportunities and partner with more organisations to widen our offerings.  Watch this space!