Rob J.E.M. Smeets, Johan W.S. Vlaeyen, Alita Hidding, Arnold D.M. Kester, Geert J.M.G. van der Heijden and J. André Knottnerus
The purpose of this study was to examine whether a combination of a physical training and an operant-behavioral graded activity with problem solving training is more effective than either alone in the long-term. 172 patients with chronic disabling non-specific low back pain referred for rehabilitation treatment were randomized in clusters of four consecutive patients to 10 weeks of aerobic training and muscle strengthening of back extensors, 10 weeks of gradual assumption of patient relevant activities based on operant-behavioral principles and problem solving training or a combination of both.
During the one-year follow-up, there were no significant differences between each single treatment and the combination treatment, it was was therefore concluded that the combination treatment integrating physical, graded activity with problem solving training is not a better treatment option for patients with chronic low back pain.
Pain, Volume 134, 2008, 3,