Effects of acupuncture and sham acupuncture in addition to physiotherapy in patients undergoing bilateral total knee arthroplasty — a randomized controlled trial

Tsang, R. C-C., Tsang, P-L., Ko, C-Y., Kong, B. C-H., Lee, W-Y. and Yip, H-T. (2007)

This study compared the acute effects of acupuncture with sham acupuncture alongside a standard postoperative physiotherapy programme on knee pain, range of motion and ambulation in patients with knee osteoarthritis who underwent a bilateral total knee arthroplasty.

30 patients (24 women, 6 men) were included in the final analysis of this study (36 were recruited at the start, with 18 allocated to each group and three from each group dropped out), in which a standard physiotherapy programme was received by both groups, and 10 sessions of acupuncture or sham acupuncture were given within two weeks.

The study found that there was no difference between the acute effects of acupuncture and sham acupuncture in addition to standard postoperative physiotherapy programme in patients with knee osteoarthritis undergoing bilateral total knee arthroplasty.

Clinicial Rehabilitation (2007) 21:8 719-728

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