Berish Strauch MDCorresponding Author Contact Information, a, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Mitesh K. Patel MDa, Daniel J. Rosen MDa, Soham Mahadevia BAa, Nelia Brindzei BAa and Arthur A. Pilla PhD
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of pulsing electromagnetic fields on the biomechanic strength of rat Achilles’ tendons at 3 weeks after transection and repair. The results show that in the animals receiving PMF exposure, an increase in tensile strength of up to 69% was noted at the repair site of the rat Achilles’ tendon at 3 weeks after transection and repair compared with nonstimulated control animals.The authors conclude that the application of electromagnetic fields, configured to enhance Ca2+ binding in the growth factor cascades involved in tissue healing, achieved a marked increase of tensile strength at the repair site in this animal model. If similar effects occur in humans, rehabilitation could begin earlier and the risk of developing adhesions or rupturing the tendon in the early postoperative period could be reduced.
Journal of Hand Surgery, Volume 31, Issue 7, September 2006, Pages 1131-1135