Additions to the home page

The eagle eyed out there will hopefully have noticed some new additions to the bottom of the Physiopedia home page. There are now four new blocks which feature:

  1. The latest posts on the Physiospot site.
  2. A list of the most popular articles on Physiopedia ranked by the number of views.
  3. A list of the most prolific contributors to Physiopedia ranked by the number of edits made. Please click on their names to view the profiles of these editors and learn more about them. Plus increase your contributions if you want to feature in this part of our home page!
  4. A list of the most recently updated articles on Physiopedia which also shows which editor has made the update. Help build Physiopedia and see your name feature here!


Tip – If your home page does not look like the image below, please refresh the page in your browser. The new home page uses an updated stylesheet which may be cached by your browser.