Daphne is an all-around team player and is very deserving of being this month’s Top Contributor. Daphne is part of the Media Team for Physioplus, which means she helps to edit and produce the videos you see with Physioplus courses. She has an incredible eye for detail and is always meticulous and methodical in her work.
Daphne edited Dr. Nicole Beamish’ video for the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021, which ultimately won an award. Daphne is a dynamic thinker and always contributes to helpful solutions. She also does not shy away from detailed work such as transcribing course videos on Physioplus; which we can all agree is no easy task! Please take the time to congratulate Daphne on her accomplishments and for being part of the Team that produced this year’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Understanding Rehabilitation. Cheers Daphne!
Time active with Physiopedia: Approximately one year and one month.
Current role with Physiopedia: I am a Media Producer for Physioplus.
Where did you go to university/college? I received my Bachelor of Science in Biology, Chemistry, and Earth and Ocean Sciences from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and my Master of Physical Therapy from Western University, in Canada.
Where do you work? I work in private practice in Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada.
Describe your role: Currently, I work part-time in a private clinic and primarily see orthopaedic/musculoskeletal cases. I have also spent a bit of time working in long-term care in the past. With Physioplus, I work part-time editing and transcribing course videos and creating videos for presenters.
What is the most rewarding part of being a physiotherapist? Seeing a patient finally reach their goals after going through the process of getting to know them as a person, understanding what they want to achieve and then working with them to get there is very rewarding. While the famous quote says that it’s not the destination, it’s the journey… sometimes reaching the destination is pretty awesome as well!
What are some of the more challenging aspects of being a physiotherapist? I think that it can be difficult when there are people we can’t help, but it’s important to remember that we can’t always help everyone and not to be too hard on ourselves when that is the case. Sometimes it’s just out of our control.
What are some of your professional passions? Learning new things! Physioplus courses are so great for that.
What are a few of your personal passions? Travelling, exploring new places and learning about their histories, people, culture, food, etc. I also enjoy documenting my travels/adventures through video.
What would be your advice to a newly graduating physiotherapist? I think a lot of new graduates can get that “imposter syndrome” when starting out, but it’s totally normal! It’s okay to admit when you aren’t sure or don’t know something, and to ask for help. Make sure to talk to others rather than staying silent about your concerns and feelings, and know that you’re not alone.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Still learning, helping others, and also exploring new places!
What are the best things about being a Physiopedia volunteer? Working at Physioplus has turned out to be a really fun mash-up of two of my worlds: physiotherapy and video editing. I’ve taught myself a lot of video editing just as a hobby, so to now be able to combine that with physiotherapy is pretty exciting. But of course, the other best part is just being able to work with such an awesome Team!
How has being a Physiopedia volunteer helped your professional development/career progression? First of all, I’m learning different skills that will be useful in the future – like working efficiently with a Team entirely remotely, with team members across the world in different time zones. Secondly, just being able to watch all of the course videos while editing means I’m always learning at work.
What are your hopes and aspirations for Physiopedia? Physiopedia is already such a great resource for physiotherapy students, clinicians and other health/rehabilitation professionals, and it’s making such a difference in increasing access to knowledge. I’m just excited to see it continue to grow bigger and bigger!
What is your favourite Physioplus course? I honestly really enjoyed the animal physiotherapy course series, even though it’s not my area of practice, just because it’s not something that was taught at school. It was interesting to see the creativity that goes into working with animals and plus, the dogs and horses in the course were just really cute!
Anything else you would like to share? I love the reaction I get from colleagues when I share that I’m working with Physiopedia and Physioplus… they always go, “Wow!”. Everyone in the profession knows Physiopedia!