Last Call! Nominate someone today – Physiopedia Awards Programme

It is time to think outside the box.  Has someone made an impression on you? Is there someone working behind the scenes, who has made a meaningful contribution to physiotherapy? Take the time and nominate someone deserving of recognition within the field of rehabilitation.  If there is one thing we have learned this past year, it’s that appreciation can be powerful.  Recognizing other’s for their efforts and dedication can make all the difference.

Physiopedia’s Awards Programme is now taking nominations until the 15th of June 2021. You can submit a candidate for each of the categories below. We ask that you submit one candidate per category and self-nominations will not be considered.

The Award Categories

  1. Top Contributor – The individual who has contributed the most.
  2. Physiopedia Superstar – Outstanding contributions by an individual.
  3. Best Project – Most impactful project.
  4. Social Media Impact Award – Includes contributions to Physiopsot and impact via social media.
  5. Physioplus Superstar – Individual who collects the most Physioplus points.
  6. Physiospot Superstar – Individual with the most posts and contributions on Physiospot.
  7. Outstanding Leadership – Individual that demonstrates great leadership as any part of the Physiopedia project.
  8. Physiotherapy Impact Award – The contribution that has made the greatest impact on physiotherapy practice.
  9. Innovation Award – Most forward thinking and creative contributions.
  10. Global Impact Award – The contribution that has made the greatest impact on the global profession.

Awards Programme Guidelines

  • Nominations are due by 15 June 2021 12:00 (noon) GMT.
  • No self-nominations.
  • Recipients of a specific award from the previous year are not eligible for that same award.
  • Nominations are accepted for contributors who have served within the previous year.
  • Once the nomination period has closed the selection committee will review the nominations and winners will be announced on July 1st.

Have you submitted your nominations?

Nominate someone today!

For questions about the awards programme, click here, or reach out to Amanda.