Learn How to Assess for Vascular Pathologies of The Neck with Roger Kerry

Learn how to assess your patients for vascular pathologies of the neck using the most recent IFOMPT Framework with the legend Roger Kerry.

The International Framework for the examination of the cervical region for potential vascular pathologies of the neck was updated towards the end of 2020. It featured several big changes to the way we should approach assessment and treatment of the neck.

The reason why we needed the framework to be updated is because ever since the beginning of manual therapy there’s been a history of neurovascular patient safety incidents related to the treatment as well as more recently, the emergence of vascular masqueraders. These are arterial pathologies which can potentially present as msk pain and dysfunction.

In this course Roger Kerry will take you through the changes you need to make to your practice using the latest evidence base related ot the Framework. By taking part in this course you will increase your understanding of risk and pathology to ensure safety.

The Tutor – Roger Kerry

Roger Kerry is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Nottingham, UK. He is a qualified Chartered Physiotherapist and an honorary Fellow of the UK’s Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists.

His main clinical research interests have been in adverse events and physiotherapy interventions of the head and neck, particularly on the causal nature of the interventions. Roger is also undertaking research activity in the Philosophy of Science, investigating the nature of causation in the health sciences, and this was the focus of his PhD. He is well-published in these areas and has been an invited speaker at numerous international conferences.

The Course

Cervical Risk Assessment with Roger Kerry
This course is an updated version of a previous popular course on Physioplus called Cervical Arterial Dysfunction (CAD). In September 2020 The International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT) published the revised International IFOMPT Cervical Framework. The terminology Cervical Artery Dysfunction (CAD) has been replaced with vascular pathologies of the neck and provocative positional testing is no longer recommended. In this course, Roger Kerry, will draw on current best-evidence in guiding physiotherapists on the considerations and clinical reasoning framework when assessing and managing risk of vascular pathology for people with head and/or neck pain.

Catch up With The IFOMPT Framework