Differentiating Hip and Glute Pain | New Courses Available on Physioplus

Learn how to differentiate hip and gluteal pain with these new courses exclusive to Physioplus.

Hip, low back and gluteal pain often overlaps to cause difficulty in coming to a clear and succinct diagnosis. There are a number of conditions which fit into this ‘overlapping conditions of the hip‘ category. Examples of these conditions include:

The differential diagnosis of pain and dysfunction a challenging task due to the complicated anatomy of the Sacroiliac joint, the Lumbar spine and the buttock area. The diagnosis is even challenged more by the inconsistency of MRI findings and imaging with the symptoms leading to misdiagnosing the conditions. Using subjective assessment measures and special tests can give an idea of the symptoms but without specifying the source of the pain. Up to this day, there are no fixed guidelines for the diagnosis of buttock pain.

In these new courses Tanya Bell-Jenje will teach you some clinical top tips to help you assess and treat gluteal pain.

Learn with Expert Tanya Bell-Jenje

Tanya Bell-Jenje is an international lecturer and developer of Groovi Movements Physio Software. She is a founder of Bell Rogers & Harris Physiotherapists and a Director of ‘Off Nicol Health Wellness & Rehab’ in Johannesburg, South Africa. Clincially she has been Physiotherapist for various National Sports & Teams such as South African Men’s Cricket and Ladies Hockey. Academically she is an honorary lecturer at Wits University and has presented at conferences and workshops throughout the world.

Tanya is an expert in the field of hip/gluteal pain and Physioplus members can access her courses to help differentiate between overlapping symptoms of the hip.

Courses in The Programme

Differentiating Buttock Pain – Sacroiliac Joint Disorders
Differentiating Hip and sacroiliac painButtock pain is common and can be caused by numerous conditions. The diagnosis of Gluteal or buttock pain is complicated due to the overlapping symptoms of these conditions and there is no “gold standard” differential diagnosis guide for Gluteal pain. In this first course in a three-course series, Tanya Bell-Jenje discusses the clinical characteristics to help you with differential diagnosis of different pathologies attributing to Gluteal pain.

Assess The Cause of Gluteal Pain

Deep Gluteal Pain Syndrome
Deep Gluteal Pain syndrome is characterised by buttock pain that can radiate down to the leg and has a significant impact on the quality of life as well as participation in activities and sports. Complex gluteal anatomy and the potential for the involvement of other related structures lead to challenging differential diagnosis. In two related courses, Tanya Bell-Jenje discusses the differential diagnosis of sacroiliac joint involvement and gluteal tendinopathy. In this course, she will discuss the differential diagnosis of deep gluteal pain conditions and the management thereof.

Clarify Overlapping Symptoms

Differentiating Gluteal Tendinopathy
Differential Diagnosis of deep gluteal pain is challenging due to the complex anatomy of the region. In other related courses Tanya Bell-Jenje discussed sacroiliac joint dysfunction and deep gluteal pain syndrome and their symptoms. In this course, you will learn about Gluteal Tendinopathy also known as Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS), another condition that causes lateral and posterior hip pain.

Learn about Gluteal Tendinopathy