The WCPT has a register of physiotherapy-related work in progress in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The covid-19 physio registry is up and running and should be your first port of call when creating a piece of COVID related work. This is because the hub exists to support collaboration and avoid duplication streamlinig our #globalPT efforts to combat the pandemic.
Guidelines, policies, campaings, comms strategies, CPD materials, research materials, if it has COVID in the name pop it into the registry and you will be contributing to the global effort. Anything and everything covid related is valuable no matter who you are or your speciality.
Entries can be made using the online form and projects can be viewed readily at the registry. So far projects include comms strategies, education updates, CPD content and digital / tele health solutions from Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Definitely go and take a look as it includes projects which are in progress and will need your thoughts.