Each month the Physiopedia team focuses on updating pages centred around one topic. This enables us to keep improving all of our existing pages as well as creating new ones. The team often make changes to referencing and formatting but best of all they find the latest evidence and update the pages accordingly. This month our team of volunteers focused on the topics Infectious and Communicable Diseases.
March was an extraordinary month for the team! Within a few days of starting our regular Topic of the Month, COVID-19 hit the headlines and we decided in light of the global impact this virus was having we would instead look at the categories of Infectious and Communicable diseases. Little did we know at the time how significant the change of topic would be.
Within days of changing our plans people were no longer just focusing on China, where the outbreak started, but looking at the pattern emerging worldwide. Outbreaks appearing outside of China were quickly being traced and it was discovered that the virus was spreading quickly to all continents. On the 11th March 2020 World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 (Coronavirus) a Pandemic and ways were being explored to not only contain the spread but also how to educate both professionals and members of the public. To make the information easier to access the Physiopedia Team created a category dedicated to COVID-19 which includes pages on:
- Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
- Infection Prevention and Control
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Role of the Physiotherapist in COVID-19
The Physiopedia Team joined forces with Physioplus to spread the word and educate Physiotherapists around the world. Whilst the Physiopedia Team were busy reviewing and creating pages the Physioplus Team were putting together an online course. You can read more about the course here and if you are not already a Physioplus member don’t worry you can sign up for a free trial account!
It was a busy month for the team and the work is continuing as new information is emerging daily. You can browse through the category here to see some of the newly reviewed and created pages. We aim to review as many pages as possible each month and create pages that are needed but if you see pages that need improving or creating, not just on topic of the month, please feel free to contact us with your comments. Physiopedia is a resource created by physiotherapists for physiotherapists. Your feedback is necessary and always welcome.