COVID-19 Update: Now That My University Has FREE Access to Physioplus What Do I Do Now?

To assist in these difficult COVID-19 times we are happy to give your university 30 days free access to Physioplus to support your remote teaching.

Setting Up Your Access

There are two methods for implementation:

  1. Technical Integration – A technical integration is an extremely simple way for you to add Single Sign On (SSO) access to Physioplus courses and resources within your existing Learning Management Systems (LMS). This means that a student can, with one click in a course, can go straight to a personal Physioplus account without the need to sign in. Find out more here
  2. Special Link – If you do not have the technical support to set up a technical integration (i.e. your technical team won’t be able to respond quick enough to your needs) we will give you a special link that your staff and students can use to set up their accounts.

What Now?

Here are some ideas for ways to use Physioplus and Physiopedia in your teaching and student learning, you could ask students to:

  1. Do a Physioplus course and follow up with a tutorial on Zoom.
  2. Review technique videos in Physioplus and then practice techniques on their family at home.
  3. Read a Physiopedia article and then do or create a related quiz on Physioplus.
  4. Discuss a case study that is on Physiopedia via Zoom or in Physioplus Forum.
  5. Create a patient education guide and then reflect on that experience by manually adding a reflection to the activity log.
  6. Develop health promotion guides for people in isolation and/or quarantine and share them on Physiopedia.
  7. Create videos to share knowledge and share via Physiopedia.
  8. Discuss a topic with international colleagues in the Physioplus forum.

Alternatively, you could ask staff to:

  1. Create a video presentation that we will turn into a course on Physioplus for you.
  2. Create technique videos that we can share on Physioplus alongside related evidence based Physiopedia pages.
  3. Set up a Content Development Project to collaboratively create or update a page on Physiopedia and then present it to their colleagues on Zoom.